Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3d Comic Strip Test

This is a test for doing a 3d comic strip. Typically 3d comics are very challenging to do. It's a big challenge to get the subtle expressions and keeping the character from looking lifeless. So my goal here was to create a mock up of what a comic strip might look like. I have no story or anything but I thought it would be a fun challenge to do something that's so rarely done well. I think a big problem with it was that the character is too realistic.

Realistic characters cause are problematic for a comic strip that's supposed to have humor. According to Scott McCloud's excellent book, "Understanding Comics", the more cartoony a character, the more we put ourselves in that character. For example, Charlie Brown is very easy to identify with because he's so simple and like a smiley face. We can see ourselves in him. If he had been a realistic character we'd see him as another person, harder to identify with. It's like seeing a photo of a person - we immediately see them as a distinct person. On the other hand when we see a very cartoony character like a smiley face we don't distinguish them as a distinct individual. When we see a smiley face it's easy to see ourselves in it. At least that's the theory. So then if you want your readers to identify with a character more, then make her more cartoony. If you have characters you don't want the reader to identify with, make them more real. Again, that's the theory and just explaining it makes my head hurt.

Even so, I think I was fairly successful at this attempt at making a believable character. Another example of a 3d character, and a more manga inspired cartoony character, is the following.

Click on it to see it full size. I really like how the expressions came out. Of course, the pink girl's pose is a little painful to look at. That's what I get for using a stock pose for a quick result. I wanted to spend more time with the custom expressions. The costumes are something I bought off Daz 3d that I thought had kind of a cool Trekkie look to them. I especially like the "phaser" design they're holding. The only thing is that they have the body of a 25 year old, and the faces of a teenager. That's because I was trying to make their faces cute and cartoony in a manga style. But I think I should have not gone quite so far with it. Even so I think it was a good start. Something I'm very interested in doing is an interactive comic. This was an experiment to see how well that might work. It's still a possibility assuming I can come up with a story I like.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Up and Running

Well, I'm pretty happy with this new site. I tried creating my own using Wordpress on my own hosting service but I really like the look of this site better, and it's much easier to use. I like Wordpress but it is more complex. This site just has a more warm, steampunk sort of feel that I think turned out pretty cool. So I'm going to be posting my art and info on my projects. I been working on ideas for a computer adventure game. I have been using RPG Maker because of it's power and use of use, but I'm not so sure I want to use it to make my game. I like the classic style games you can make with it but even so I'm not too much into fighting games. I kind of prefer games where you use your mind and go through a funny story solving not too hard puzzles. Then again I'm not very good at solving puzzles so it may be a bit hard for me to design them. Then again I'm not too good at playing games without some kind of help. Oh, let's face it - I usually need a walkthrough unless the game is easy. Well, back to the drawing board.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Space Chase - Only without the Space

Here's a picture from my comic, the Far Reaches. I didn't model the big background ships but the main purple ship and the air-taxi I models and textured from scratch. I love modeling ships in 3d. And doing special effects. Also each element in this picture was rendered out separately in Lightwave 8.5 and composited in Photoshop. I just get more control over it that way. This was one of my favorite scenes to do in my comic. The heroes are trying to escape these crazy little alien hit-men and they end up chasing through traffic in a cool futuristic city. Good times.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Legends from the Void Comic Strip

This is a comic strip that I did back in '08. I like the way that the art came out but in the end I just didn't feel motivated enough to make something out of the story. Besides I think comic strips are like a haiku - short, concise, and harder that it looks.

Is this thing on?

Hello world! Is this thing on? Ahem. Well, here's my favorite CG image in my gallery. It was done completely from scratch in Modo 301. It was so complex and my machine is just so slow that I had to render each section out separately and then composite them in photoshop.