Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blast from the Past

Wow, I just found this painting that I did back in 1998. This was one of my first decent paintings done completely digitally, that is, completely on the computer from start to finish. I haven't done a full painting like this in a very, very long time. I've been focusing my attention on comic art and 3d art. Still, this goes back to the days when I was really into illustration and people like Drew Struzan, the famous movie poster painter who did all my favoritist (is that a word? I think I'll make it one) illustrator artist type personage. Sorry, I lost my thought. Where was I? Oh, yeah. Drew did my favoritist posters for all the Star Wars movies. Check out these Star Wars posters and see if you agree with me.

So I was really into Drew and other scifi illustrators. That was before I got sucked into the world of webcomics. Still, it might be fun to try to do another fully painted, um, painting, or fully illustrated, painterly work of artistness. Or whatever. Something without the comic inked lines.

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